Ron Evans
Creating a computer vision application so it can run on many different machines and different types of hardware has historically been very difficult. Sounds like an excellent use case for WebAssembly!
wasmVision (https://wasmvision.com/) is a new project for high-performance computer vision applications based on WebAssembly.
It uses the wasmCV interface (https://wasmcv.org/) which provides guest bindings for computer vision applications based on OpenCV. Any language that can compile to WASM can then use these interfaces to create processors to do tasks like image filtering, object detection, communicate with vision models, and more.
In this talk, I will show several demonstrations using code written in Rust, Go, and C to perform a number of visually interesting tasks, including displaying live video from a drone.
Early Bird
Until December 15th
2-Day Conference
Auditori L'illa
Ticket WASM I/O 25
Until February 23rd
Mar • 27- 28 • 2025
2-Day Conference
Auditori L'illa
Late Bird
After 23rd Feb
24 Feb 25 - 26 Mar 25
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